Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation Canada

fidya &

Number of Days [Kaffara 1]

for deliberately breaking the fast without a valid reason:
$90 per day (for feeding 60 poor people)

Number of Days [Fidya]

for delaying the qada’a fast of Ramadan or not fasting due to chronic
illness: $1.5 per day (for feeding 1 poor person)

Number of Oaths [Kaffara 2]

for breaking an oath/yameen or vow/nazr: $15 (for feeding 10 poor people)

Total $0

Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation Canada is a registered charity in Canada. You will be provided income tax receipts.

There may be a small excess due to exchange rate fluctuations. This excess will be spent as Sadaqa on your behalf to purchase more food items

Fidya is for delaying/not fasting due to illness and Kaffara is for deliberately breaking the fast
without a valid reason.

Islamic Dues

Pay your Fidya and Kaffara Islamic dues online. Al-Ayn is authorised to receive amounts for fidya/kaffara, as below. The funds will be used to feed orphaned children and their families, as per jurisprudential requirements. (Note: the prices are approximate)