Those who spend their wealth in God’s way by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will
have their reward with their Lord and no fear will there be upon them, nor will they grieve.
Who has to pay Zakat Al-Fitra?
Zakat Al-Fitra is a payment obligatory on every Muslim who is mature (baligh), sane, conscious, and financially capable (i.e., able to meet the living expenses of themselves and their family for one year, or has an occupation through which they are able to meet that). Zakat Al-Fitra should also be paid on behalf of all dependants, young or old.
How much is Zakat Al-Fitra?
Zakat Al-Fitra is one sa’a (3kg) of a common staple food in your country (e.g. rice). You can also pay the monetary equivalent of 3kg of such food in your local currency.
Can I pay Zakat Al-Fitra without specifying that it is the monetary equivalent of a staple food?
You must have the intention that what you are paying is the equivalent of 3kg of a common staple food in your country, and that any excess of that is Sadaqa.
Should I calculate Zakat Al-Fitra based on the cost of the staple food in my country, or the country where the needy will be receiving the Zakat?
Zakat Al-Fitra needs to be paid based on the cost of the staple food in the country where the money is being paid. This is usually the country you reside in. If, however, you have funds in another country and you authorise someone to pay Zakat on your behalf from those funds, then it should be based on the costs in the country where your funds are located.
How much is Zakat Al-Fitra in Canada?
Zakat Al-Fitra in Canada can be paid as $10 this year, which is the monetary equivalent of 3kg of rice.
When do I need to pay Zakat Al-Fitra?
According to the rulings of Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani, Zakat Al-Fitra can be paid anytime during the month of Ramadhan, up to noon on the day of Eid (or up to the prayer of Eid for those praying it).
Can Zakat Al-Fitra be placed in Al-Ayn’s Sadaqa Boxes?
Yes, Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani has authorised for Zakat Al-Fitra to be placed in Al-Ayn’s Sadaqa Boxes.
Do I have to return my box to Al-Ayn before Eid?
No, this is not necessary. With the permission of Al-Sayyed Al- Sistani, money placed in Al-Ayn’s Sadaqa Boxes is considered received (maqbooth) as soon as it is placed in the box.
How does Al-Ayn differentiate Zakat Al-Fitra given from Sayyed and non-Sayyeds?
Zakat Al-Fitra from a Sayyed can be given to both a Sayyed and non-Sayyed. Zakat Al-Fitra from a non-Sayyed can only be given to a non-Sayyed. However, all money placed in Al-Ayn’s Sadaqa boxes and all Zakat Al-Fitra received electronically is only spent on non-Sayyed orphaned children. This is regardless of who has paid the Sadaqa, therefore there is no need to specify whether the payer is a Sayyed or non-Sayyed.
Is it permissible to pay Zakat Al-Fitra online or via bank transfer?
Yes, provided the following two conditions are met:
1) You must authorize the receiving organization (e.g. Al-Ayn) to pay Zakat Al-Fitra on your behalf.
2) The money must be received by the needy before noon on the day of Eid, since the meaning of azl (putting the money to a side) does not apply to electronic transfers. Al-Ayn satisfies this condition, since it receives money with permission of Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani, who has authority over the needy and orphaned children.
Can I pay Zakat Al-Fitra towards orphaned children in Iraq, even if there are needy in my own country?
Paying Zakat Al-Fitra to the needy outside of your country needs permission from the religious authority (marja’a). As Al-Ayn receives donations with the permission of Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani, it is permissible to pay Zakat Al-Fitra to Al-Ayn, even if there are needy in your country. Further, Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani has a fatwa specifying that it is permissible for Muslims outside of Iraq to give Zakat Al-Fitra to Al-Ayn, to be spent on orphaned children in Iraq.
Do I have to pay Zakat Al-Fitra of the child I am sponsoring?
According to a religious ruling by Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani, it is obligatory for sponsors to pay Zakat Al-Fitra of the orphaned child they are sponsoring. The payment should be in proportion to the amount of the child’s sustenance which the sponsor covers. For example, if you are covering all their sustenance, you need to pay the full amount. If you are covering half their sustenance, you need to pay half the amount, and so on. As a precaution, you may pay the full amount of the Zakat.
What if I had not paid Zakat Al-Fitra in previous years for the child I am sponsoring?
If you have not paid Zakat Al-Fitra in previous years, you should now pay this as a precaution, with the intention (niyya) of “Al-Qurba Al-Mutlaqa” (seeking nearness to God).
If paying Zakat Al-Fitra electronically, your must authorize Al-Ayn to pay the Zakat on your behalf. You must also authorize Al-Ayn to carry out the jurisprudential requirements to transfer the ownership of the amount you have paid electronically from yourself to Al-Ayn, to compensate for the amount paid on your behalf.
في حال دفع زكاة الفطرة الكترونيا، لا بد من توكيل المؤسسة بدفع زكاة الفطرة نيابةً عنكم، وتوكيلها بالتحويل الشرعي للمبلغ المدفوع من قبلكم الكترونيا، من ذمتكم إلى ذمة المؤسسة، لتعويض المبلغ المدفوع نيابةً عنكم.
Zakat becomes applicable on particular categories of wealth, after it reaches a minimum level, called the nisab. There are different jurisprudential opinions as to what Zakat is payable on, and how to calculate it. You are advised to consult your local scholar to calculate the amount of Zakat you should pay. You can also contact us with specific queries about calculating your Zakat and we can arrange for a scholarly response.
Zakat Al-Fitra is given to the needy who are unable to meet their own or their dependants annual living expenses, nor do they have the means to do so through earning
To find out more, email: [email protected]